Many businesses use storage tanks, although they are most closely associated with the energy and petrochemical industry. Tanks often contain petroleum and/or hazardous substances, so regular maintenance and testing is essential for the safety of both workers and the environment. ARM Environmental Services provides many services related to the maintenance, contamination assessment and remediation, and removal of UST and AST systems. ARM has staff members with specific training and qualifications in this area. ARM is certified Class I / Class II UST Site Rehabilitation Contractor (SC cert #004), and has successfully completed thousands of UST and AST projects over more than two decades.
Tanks may be classified into Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) and Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) generally considers a tank to be a UST if at least 10 percent of the tank system is underground, including the piping. Tank systems sometimes develop a leak, are damaged or overfilled. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency half of a million UST releases have been documented in the US as of the beginning of 2018. State and Federal regulators require that the contamination from a release is assessed to determine the potential risk to human health and the environment.
ARM is a full-service UST release assessment and remediation firm. We often provide these services as part of state Trust Fund assessment or remediation projects, which are administered by the Department of Environment Quality (DEQ) in North Carolina and the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) in South Carolina. A state-funded trust fund system with a tiered deductible is present in North Carolina to assist UST system owners with the costs for assessment or remediation of petroleum releases. The trust fund in South Carolina for petroleum UST releases is the State Underground Petroleum Environmental Response Bank (SUPERB) fund. The SUPERB program works much like a private insurance policy to assist UST owners with the costs for assessment or remediation of petroleum releases. The fund is available to qualified UST owners, has a deductible, and is funded by a SC fuel impact fee as well as the owners and operators of all UST systems via annual tank registration fees.
ARM performs UST system waste collection and pump out services. Surface water and groundwater occasionally infiltrates UST system spill buckets, STP sumps, dispenser pans or sumps, and even USTs themselves. ARM will mobilize an intrinsically safe liquid ring vacuum truck to your industry, gas station, or base and remove the accumulated water from your system. We also collect and dispose of drums of liquid and solid petroleum contact waste resulting from system maintenance.
ARM provides tank closure services for UST systems and ASTs. Tank closures are generally required by state regulators when a tank system is no longer desired, no longer in use, or is out of compliance with regulations. Smaller unregulated heating oil tanks are also closed when no longer needed. ARM provides turnkey tank closure services including removal and fill-in-place closure.
ARM Environmental Services, Inc. provides many services related to the maintenance, contamination assessment and remediation, as well as removal of UST and AST systems. Our clients include private and public companies and government agencies throughout the Southeastern United States, primarily in South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia. Contact us today, and let us help you with your tank needs.
"ARM has provided environmental services on many First Palmetto projects, primarily Environmental Site Assessments on convenience store properties. We have appreciated their expertise and fast turnaround on rush projects, and consider them a vital part of our team."