Drilling and Geoprobe services generally consist of drilling into the ground for the purpose of extracting soil and groundwater samples, although the technique and purpose can vary considerably. Drilling, soil coring, and well installations are all specific types of these services. ARM Environmental Services has decades of experience with many types of environmental services, including rotary drilling and direct push technology (DPT)
Drilling is required to install monitoring wells, which is often needed to sample groundwater. Each project has distinct specifications for its wells, so their size and construction is highly variable. The diameter of these wells typically ranges from one to eight inches, and the depth can be up to several hundred feet below ground surface. Wells may also need to be installed inside a building, which requires the use of special attachments to bore through concrete foundations.
A Geoprobe is a direct-push technology drilling system mounted on a truck or tracked carrier and powered by hydraulics. ARM owns and operates Geoprobe DPT equipment. Additional equipment used in geoprobing includes concrete core bits, soil coring barrels and shoes, DPT casing, screenpoint groundwater samplers, and various pump systems. ARM owns and operates various rotary auger drilling rigs. Drilling methods employed by ARM drilling crews include solid flight and hollow stem augers (HSA), as well as mud rotary methods for drilling into flowing sand conditions and air rotary methods for drilling into crystalline bedrock.
ARM has about 30 staff members, including geologists, biologists, engineers, well drillers, and technicians. All of our drillers are Certified Well Drillers in South Carolina and North Carolina. All ARM field technicians have passed a 40-hour HAZWOPER course that complies with OSHA standards, which qualifies them to work on sites with hazardous materials. Our field technicians also have all necessary personal protective equipment (PPE), including respiratory protection when necessary.
ARM has various certifications that qualify it to work on government projects, including Federal Supply Service Contractor for the General Services Administration (GSA). ARM’s state-level credentials in South Carolina include Statewide On-Call Environmental Contractor and Approved Environmental Consultant.
ARM Environmental Services, Inc. has been providing comprehensive environmental consulting and related services since we were founded in 1991. Our clients primarily include private companies and public agencies that are involved in land development, planning and site remediation. Contact us today to find out how we can help you with your drilling and geoprobe needs.
"ARM has performed exceptionally well on projects under this contract. Their staff is very knowledgeable and works well with the staff at DHEC to ensure that all requirements are met for our sites."